Sunday, July 7, 2013

The Treasure Chest Series

The Treasure Chest series by Ann Hood is an ongoing series (book 7 comes out this fall and book 8 comes out next spring) that stated with Angel of the Battlefield that was published in January 2013. The series (meant for ages 8-12) tells of the adventures in current time the journeys in time travel of brother and sister 12 year old twins  (Felix and Maisie) of divorced parents. The series is a collection of stand-alone books about traveling back in time to different historical figures. In book one, Felix and Maisie have been forced to move to a new house because of their parent’s divorce, the mother decides to move with them into their great aunt Maisie’s old apartment in a mansion that is owned by a historical society/restoration museum.  The twins explore the mansion, first as part of a tour then they explore the off limit parts of the mansion called Elm Medona on their own.
 On the first of their escapades in the forbidden areas of the huge house, then find a room containing a treasure chest full of fascinating and historical things, notes, coins, and other mysterious objects. The twins end up going make visits to a different historical figure in each book, and time and time again they try to not alter history (this is tricky as often the twins need to learn the history they are visiting) in the process.

The character development and the dynamics between each of the twins and their elderly great aunt Maisie (who now lives in a special assist senior living home) is carefully thought out and described in depth. I especially enjoyed the humor that is sometimes resounding and the levity that is sometimes carefully hidden in this series. It warms my heart that there is such an awesome series that reminds me a lot of the Time Warp Trio that I read when I was a 2nd grader. 

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