Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Freak the mighty, Max the Mighty and the power of friendships!

Picking just one gift, just one message for future generations, is quite a daunting task, so I just have to pick one gift based on what I currently want the next generation to focus on and that is improving self esteem, while growing in love and inner peace through cultivating happiness in lasting friendships.

My favorite fictional character in a children’s book right now, is Maxwell “Max” Kane from the “Freak the Mighty” series by Rodman Philbrick. In the first book in the series titled Freak the Mighty (1993) Max is a big kid, who has major struggles in school is really slow, and considers himself really dumb and has basically no self-esteem. Max also does not know his own strengths, power of will, and courage, potential, intellect, or depth of character until it is revealed in time though his actions and words and through his relationship with Kevin Avery who is nicknamed "Freak" because of his disability a disease called Morquio Syndrome that causes Kevin to walk with crutches and leg braces and eventually to die, but not before many adventures create a bond that changes Max forever. “Freak’s” friendship legacy lives on inside of Max. This is evident in the other book in the series Max the Mghty (1998) Max becomes a much better, more complete, and more loving person as a result of his relationship to Kevin and his blossoming confidence is evident in his adventures with Worm. Freak the Mighty became a movie titled “The Mighty” in 1998.

I would say that friendships are crucial not just for healthy social development but also for healthy personal wellbeing especially while growing up. Particularly these days as we live in such an individualistic society full of ways to isolate people with their online friends and technological, digital games and toys, (all the insulating gizmos and gadgets) I think loving friends are close to being the most priceless thing this life has to offer. So why not get the next generation in on enjoying two powerful and indelible books about the lasting impact of friendships!

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